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Story 11

Here’s is my abortion story. I found out I was 4 weeks pregnant after a weird hangover. I knew there and then that I didn’t want a child. I went to see my gynae. He did the sonar but immediately left so not giving me enough time to discuss the way forward.

Four days later, I went to Marie Stopes, I was given 1 pill at the clinic and 4 to take after 24 hours. A month later I went for another sonar and to get a contraceptive of my choice for free. I think about it sometimes, but I wouldn’t do anything differently.

(Source: my body my choice, #myabortionstory)

Do you have questions about what the SA law says about abortion? Click here to find out.

Are you thinking about getting an abortion but you’re not sure where to start? Find out here.

Do you know about the different abortion procedures? Learn about them here.

Getting an illegal abortion is dangerous and puts your health at risk. Learn how to spot illegal providers in this article.

Making the choice to have an abortion is not always easy. You may need to talk to someone about your feelings and thoughts. Trained counsellors at loveLife are here for you. Find out how can contact them by clicking here.

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