An unplanned pregnancy can be a big shock but it’s important to remember that how you deal with the pregnancy is your decision and no one else’s. There are different options when you are pregnant.
Here are your main options:
- Being a parent: Having the baby and raising it yourself means making some decisions, like whether you stay in school, TVET or university. Is the father of the child with you? Does he want to help take care of the child? What support do you have in your life? If your family can help you, it’s a lot easier.
Raising a child can be expensive, especially if you are still in school. This is why you may want to consider applying to receive a child support grant from the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA). Click here to find out how to apply for a child support grant.
- Adoption: This means you would give birth to the baby, but another family would raise the child. It can be hard to give birth to a child and then let them go but, it can also be a real comfort to know that someone’s taking care of your child, especially if you aren’t able to.
Door of Hope is a place to get support if you decide on adoption. You can reach them on their emergency number which is 082 783 3374.
Thinking about what to do once you are pregnant can be scary. Maybe ask yourself: Can I take care of a child? Do I want a child? These are tough questions to ask, but they’re worth facing up to, to find the right option for you.
If you would like to talk to a counsellor about your decision, loveLife is here for you.
We talked to 3 of our friends to find out about their experiences with unplanned pregnancy as young people. Watch this video to hear what they had to say:
You can also find facilities where you can go to to get help or to talk to a social worker here.
If you are pregnant and want to receive information on pregnancy and your baby for free from the National Department of Health, register for MomConnect at your local clinic or dial *134*550#.
Pregnancy is a big change in your life, and a lot of things are going to happen to your body. Learn more about pregnancy here.
It is important to know about all the organs that make up the female reproductive system when you are pregnant. Click here to learn more.